Sun Over Screens: Spend more time outside with Bodysurf

Sun Over Screens: Spend more time outside with Bodysurf

Hey there, sunshine lovers! At Bodysurf, we believe in the magic of getting outside and soaking up some rays—because life is just better when you’re unplugged and enjoying nature. In a world that feels more connected to screens than to each other, we’re here to remind you that there’s a whole world waiting just outside your door.

The Bodysurf Journey

Let’s take a little trip down memory lane. Our story began on the stunning shores of Summerland, California. As a family, we were on a mission: to find balance in our lives. Like many of you, we found ourselves caught up in the whirlwind of screen time—scrolling through social media, binge-watching shows, and checking our phones more than we’d like to admit.

But deep down, we knew we needed to reconnect—not just with each other but with the great outdoors. And so, the idea for Bodysurf was born! We started with a simple goal: create a non-toxic sunscreen that wouldn’t leave us looking like ghostly beachgoers.

After two years of trial and error (and a lot of sun-soaked days), we finally perfected our Lifeguard SPF. Now, we can happily slather it on our kids and hit the beach, all without worrying about harsh chemicals.

Our Philosophy: Sun Over Screen

At Bodysurf, we like to think of our philosophy as “Sun Over Screen.” It’s more than just a catchy phrase; it’s a way of life. We’ve seen firsthand the incredible benefits of spending time outside. Not only does it do wonders for your skin, but being in the sun can boost your mood, reduce anxiety, and help you feel more connected to the world around you.

Imagine this: a beach day with your family, the sun shining down, waves crashing nearby, and laughter filling the air. It’s these moments—free from screens—that truly nourish our souls. We want to encourage families to prioritize time outdoors, making memories that last a lifetime.

Crafting Quality for Your Family

Every product we create at Bodysurf is designed with you and your family in mind. Our Lifeguard SPF is just the beginning. We’ve expanded our line to include an anti-aging face oil, eco-friendly family beach bags, and even upcycled beach blankets—perfect for those sun-soaked picnics! Each product reflects our commitment to quality and sustainability, ensuring you can enjoy the outdoors with peace of mind.

We believe that self-care is about more than just skincare; it’s about nurturing relationships and cherishing experiences. That’s why we’re passionate about encouraging families to unplug and embrace the beauty of nature. After all, who wouldn’t want to trade a screen for a sunny day at the beach?

Giving Back to Our Community

At Bodysurf, community means everything to us. We’re dedicated to giving back, whether it’s donating products to nonprofits in the Santa Barbara area or supporting charities that promote sun safety. We want to help families navigate the delicate balance between sun and screen, empowering everyone to make healthier choices.

When you choose Bodysurf, you’re not just choosing quality skincare; you’re joining a movement to prioritize outdoor living and connect with those you love. Together, we can inspire healthier lifestyles and create a positive impact on our communities.

Join Us on This Journey

So, what can you do to embrace the “Sun Over Screen” philosophy? Start small! Plan a family beach day, go for a hike, or have a picnic in the park. Bring along your Bodysurf sunscreen, kick off your shoes, and enjoy the simple pleasures of being outside. Leave the screens at home, or better yet, stash them in your bag—just in case!

Take a moment to breathe in the fresh air, feel the warmth of the sun on your skin, and reconnect with your loved ones. You’ll find that the memories you create outdoors are the ones that truly matter.

At Bodysurf, we’re excited to be part of your journey to healthier living. Let’s trade those screens for sunshine, one adventure at a time. Join us in our mission to inspire families everywhere to unplug and enjoy the great outdoors—because life is always better in the sun!

Here’s to more beach days, more family adventures, and a little less screen time. Ready to make some memories? Let’s do this together! 🌞🏖️